What IS Unrefined? Skincare in the bag
Posted by Courtney Henslee on Sep 1st 2019
Unrefined. Raw. Crude. Plain. Untreated. Unprocessed.
Why should you be looking for these words when it comes to skincare?
These words mean that the formulator knows that there is far more nutrition in raw ingredients than there are in "extracts" and things just "sourced from" plants.
Just like a canned green bean versus a fresh or frozen one, we totally know that food has a of variances in quality and how much nutrition it can deliver. There is nothing different about ingredients in your skincare.
1. Unrefined means more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are fully present
2. Raw means no heating or cooking has been employed: those processes often degrade the vitamins with heat.
3. Crude, Plain, Untreated, Unprocessed - all mean that an herb, oil, or butter, has not been extracted with chemical means. Sometimes carrier oils are extracted with things like Hexane. And when oils and butters have gone through to a "refined" state, they have not only removed the color (color = vitamins!) but they've also removed the smell.
4. UNREFINED ingredients work better, faster, and more efficiently because they are the WHOLE PACKAGE of nutrition.
You wouldn't expect to heal your body by eating refined foods, you shouldn't expect your skin to heal with refined ingredients either.
We use only and always as completely raw as possible. This is precisely why our clients see results in lightening speed. The whole plant-based diet is not just for food. It's for your whole body and is what is best for your body.
Skincare makers use refined ingredients because they are easier to keep shelf-stable and often are cheaper to buy.