What IS Unrefined? Skincare in the bag

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Sep 1st 2019

Unrefined. Raw. Crude. Plain. Untreated. Unprocessed.  Why should you be looking for these words when it comes to skincare?These words mean that the formulator knows that there is far more nutrition in raw ingredients than there are in "extracts" and things just "sourced from" plants. Just like a canned green bean versus a fresh or frozen one, we totally know that food has a of variances in quality and how much nutrition it can deliver. There is nothing different about ingredients … read more
Your skincare isn't working!!!

Your skincare isn't working!!!

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Jan 9th 2018

In watching the market regularly, I am amazed at how many people are complacent with their skincare. So many people have bought the line that they just have to have acne, even just *some* acne. My avid clients know different and it's my goal for everyone to know the truth.First of all, more is not better. It's counter-intuitive for me to tell you this because I could sell you 5 different daily use things and know that only two of them are absolutely needed. I would be making a lot more money if … read more