Your skincare isn't working!!!

Your skincare isn't working!!!

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Jan 9th 2018

In watching the market regularly, I am amazed at how many people are complacent with their skincare. So many people have bought the line that they just have to have acne, even just *some* acne. My avid clients know different and it's my goal for everyone to know the truth.First of all, more is not better. It's counter-intuitive for me to tell you this because I could sell you 5 different daily use things and know that only two of them are absolutely needed. I would be making a lot more money if … read more
Powdered Facewash is FOR YOU

Powdered Facewash is FOR YOU

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Apr 7th 2017

Drop the soap, at least for you face!15 years ago I stopped using soap on my face and went to just sea salt. I still had acne and could never figure it out.7 years ago, with 13 years of herbs and nutrition uner my belt at that time, I started powdering my sea salt and playing with additions like spirulina, oatmeal, and herbs. Suddenly I was cranking out gallon size bottles and giving it away to friends who kept coming back for more because their acne was gone and their skin was feeling amaz … read more