Leaving Skincare Behind

Leaving Skincare Behind

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Jan 15th 2019

How did we get here? How did we get to the place where we are constantly seeking beauty in such a way that it's become a 134 BILLION DOLLAR industry this year. We are fascinated with watching skincare bloggers test a million products on their own bodies, willing to be the guinea pigs for the rest of us. We follow them with passion and interest to find out what the next best thing is. The sheer transition rate from one product to another means we cannot really know what products are *do … read more
Your skincare isn't working!!!

Your skincare isn't working!!!

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Jan 9th 2018

In watching the market regularly, I am amazed at how many people are complacent with their skincare. So many people have bought the line that they just have to have acne, even just *some* acne. My avid clients know different and it's my goal for everyone to know the truth.First of all, more is not better. It's counter-intuitive for me to tell you this because I could sell you 5 different daily use things and know that only two of them are absolutely needed. I would be making a lot more money if … read more

Eat Coconut Oil for Acne: One Clients Story

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Jan 6th 2015

I have a great client who came to me for cystic acne more than a year ago. We went through a wide array of topical treatments that did help some, but still dealt with occasionally out of control skin. I continued to rack my brain for what we should do. I don't stop until it's gone. That's the whole "uncompromising passion" line. EffOff helped, Chally Ha! helped, SHU healing moisturizer helped.... but I knew something else was up. I had her keep a food diary so we could see if there was any … read more