Eczema & Psoriasis

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Sep 15th 2017

These two issues are some of the least understood in all medical communities and I can't tell you how many dermatologists I've heard speak on it. No one has come to a consensus of causation and most doctors seem to feel it just a "well, that's what your body does and here is a steroid cream to get it to go away right now."Further investigation into current science has, however, brought me back to exactly what I have suspected all along.This article from 2014 cites, "there is substantial evidence … read more
Herbs are KEY

Herbs are KEY

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Sep 14th 2017

The old ways of using herbs have really fallen out of "style" and this is not only sad, but has impacted our overall health as a nation and a world. Historically- we knew what herbs to eat for certain ailments and we not only did that and nibbled at them when we came across them but also stored them in our homes regularly. Now we turn to packaged teas and things in capsules if we are using herbal remedies. Few people keep a knowledge bank and some dried herbs in the cabinet.Herbal reme … read more
Why one oil will never be enough.

Why one oil will never be enough.

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Sep 14th 2017

We have finally come to see through science and research that eating one food the rest of your life would not be healthy- no matter how healthy that single food is. The body requires a varied diet.Your skin also requires a varied diet to function well. When we break down the fatty acid content of oils and butters, we see that they are each unique. All oils contain different sterols, vitamins, and minerals and at varying levels. This is exactly like breaking down food and seeing that no one … read more

Chafed skin: Heat Rash, Chub Rub, areas that trap moisture...

Posted by Courtney Henslee on Sep 14th 2017

This is a common question and after years of helping people with this painful issue, I feel confident in my answers. This becomes a two part answer and both of these changes will change your life and your comfort level. I've seen some pervasive and cystic type reactions from chub rub.*First: Stop the soap and start using a high grade body scrub- most especially on the areas where you're having issues, inner thighs, under breasts, in those luscious fat creases. Oftentimes we don't reali … read more

Acne? Wrinkles? Here is why SOAP is your enemy.

Apr 25th 2017

                                                 I've been on this mission for more than 15 years. Yes, NO soap for me on this precious visage for 15 years! WHY?Here is the base logic.1. Soap was invented to wash the waxes and oils out of sheep's wool for making clothing. It was not invented for bodies. 2. Just like a car engine, your skin wants and needs oil to be able to … read more